2 km NW from the Valgale village, in the valley of the Valgale River, near the Valgale Hill Fort.
In Ameļciems between the Veckušķi and Billiņi homesteads, within the territory of the Billiņi homestead embraced by a high wire fence, not far from the gate, next to the fence, in the bush
The oak, also called the Great Oak of Vadakste had reached the circumference of 7.8 m before it broke.
In the bed of the old Stende River, at its meander, 50 m W from the Teikas homestead. The stone is situated right on the riverbank, but in autumn, when the water level is rather low, it is 7 cm under the water level. According to information provided by local people, in summer, when the weather is dry, the stone’s surface is at the same level as the water.
Around 200 m SW from Sēravoti homestead. Next to the spring a new homestead will be built, the name is not known yet.
On the west-north west bank of the Rēveļas Lake, about 700 m south-east of the Kalna Vilkašas homestead