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The Health Spring starts at a side of a small ravine along which a fast brook is running in the N direction to the Slocene river. On the left bank of the brook there is a 4 ha large farm where a temporary house has been built and a garden arranged, at the brook there is a smoke house and other household activities are performed; a permanent residential house is to be built here. Time after time the Health Spring breaks out in new places on the left side of the ravine. One of such places is laid with planks which have partly dried. The owners are about to clean and renovate the place. The water in the brook is with a discernable sulphur smell which, and most likely, also the concentration of sulphur, is variable. Above the spring in the brook ravine there is a rather big stone covered with moss which the house landlords believe to be a sacred stone. Here there also are other big stones where drilled holes were found before blasting them. In earlier times, and believably now as well, the spring water is used for health treatment; in the spring money has been sacrificed as a gratitude for recovery.
At Krūmvērs there is a spring where people used to sacrifice money and washed their eyes. Now the homestead is called Sēravoti (Sulphuric Springs). (Latvian Folklore Repository 1835, 33, 2nd Scientific Exped. Tukums district, Institute of Philol., Acad. of Science. June, 1948. Written by Alma Romane, residing in Tk Irlava)
The location of the Health Spring is established by Sēravoti homestead, where once a man with the family name Krūmvēvers has lived who has left evidence about using the Health Spring for health treatment and sacrificing of coins. There are no directions to the spring, however they might not be necessary under the current situation – the location of the spring in the yard.