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In the nearby surroundings of the Tauči Stone with a hollow — there, at the Estonian border, the homestead is abandoned and ruinous. The surroundings are getting overgrown; there are sloppy fields,leafy forests. The former location of the Tauči homestead can only be sensed. Currently, the stone has been overgrown with bush and grass. It is a natural stone with a natural gently sloping cavity at its surface. Once, during the collective farming times, they wanted to remove the stone, but they did not succeed with it. It is possible that the crumbled parts at the stone’s foundation are evidence for these attempts. The name Bļodakmens (Stone with bowl-shaped hollow) was introduced not long ago, such a name was not used before.
According to Inese Timermane, head of the Staicele information center, at least two people told her that in earlier times, some spells were associated with the stone. Fragments of stories about sorcery, witches and mythical events are recorded.
Head of Staicele Information Centre Inese Timermane narrated that in the nearby surroundings of the stone, there would be a large hunting household built up. Not far from the Tauči Stone, at other homesead’s ruins, there is an arrangement of many stones of about one meter in size on average which is looking weird, but it seems that it can still be considered to be a natural formation. On one of the stones of this arrangement there is a kind of a cavity, but it is still of natural origin.